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Saturday, May 29, 2010
Cemetaries and Memorial Day
Monday is Memorial Day when we remember the Veterans and our loved ones who have gone on before us. My husband has 2 brothers that were in World War II and my husband was overseas in Germany in the Army during the Korean Conflict. We are going to go and visit one of his brothers graves along with his wife and also his son who died at age 30 of muscular dystrophy. I have some flowers ready to go. We haven't been there for a couple of years. Out of 4 brothers, he only has one left now.
Investing in Gold
When I first heard about investing in gold I was confused. I did not know a thing about such investments but I am learning fast. I quickly learned that people have bought gold for centuries to preserve their wealth. I checked into how to buy gold coins. I learned you can purchase them from the U.S. Gold Bureau and have them delivered right to my home. I was not so sure that was safe but I found I could also have it put into a safe depository and I wouldn't have to worry about it. It would be safe. One thing about gold, it doesn't fluctuate in value like the stock market. Watching your stocks on Wall Street can give you a heart attack. I feel it is better to buy gold.
Crockpot Roast
I put a roast in the crockpot this morning. First I seasoned it and browned it on all sides and then put it in seasoned water in the crockpot and set it on low. We went for a ride and then came home and took a nap. The whole house smelled soooo good. The meat was so tender and the gravy over the potatoes was delicious. It was an easy meal that made itself while we were gone. I just love it.
Lazy Boy Chairs
I love a good Lazy Boy Chair. We got rid of our big old couch and have all Lazy Boy chairs and they are so comfortable. I worked awhile back for over a year and took some of the money and bought myself a new blue Lazy Boy. I am short so I sat in them in the store until I found one that was just right for me. The back is just like a soft pillow and when I had surgery I had to sleep in the chair for 2 nights. It was as comfortable as my bed. I love it.
Florida Beauty School
Here is a cosmetology company that has been in business for over 50 years. They are continually growing. If you want to get away to a wonderful State, you may want to consider Florida Beauty School to get your training. Cosmetology is a wonderful career if you enjoy working with hair and people and delighting in making them more beautiful. They provide exceptional training in all facets of cosmetology and if this is the career you want, it is my opinion that you would do well to attend their school. I know I would love to train in Florida, the Sunshine State. Then you could find yourself a good job in a Regency salon there and enjoy life.
It is amazing how dirty your windows can get. We have the kind you can pull in and wash and pop back into the frame. We did that this morning with the one on the shady side of the house while it was still cool. It is really hot now so glad we got it done early. It is so clean you almost can't see the glass. I enjoy looking out clean windows, don't you?
My husband and I both went and got haircuts at the same time at the same salon the other day. I wear my hair quite short and very curly. It is easy to care for. You just wash it in the shower, it air dries quickly and brush it and go. I love it. My husband has lost a lot of his hair but he still has enough for her to trim and keep it looking nice. Haircuts can make you look good or bad so you need a good salon operator.
Buy Gold Bullion
I know most people invest in the stock market. They think there is quick money to be made there and they are right part of the time. But when it goes bad, it really goes bad and it has been bad lately. Now is the time to buy gold bullion. Precious metals such as gold have been a good way to preserve your wealth for centuries. It is easy to purchase gold from the U.S. Gold Bureau and have it delivered right to your door. If you do not feel comfortable with that arrangement, then you can arrange to have your gold shipped directly to a safe depository of your choice. They will help you with that as well. Don't hesitate any longer, buy gold and protect your wealth.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wrinkle Creams
Do you have wrinkles? It is a fact of life that if you do not have wrinkles now, you will have sooner or later. But we women are going to fight aging as long as we possibly can and wrinkle creams are just one of many ways to fight that aging. By getting on the Internet you can find out what causes wrinkles and why some creams fight aging better than others. You can learn about free radicals and antioxidants and I am sure lately you have heard much about these on television. I know I have. We learn more almost daily about our bodies and how to fight aging.
free radicals,
wrinkle creams
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Pizza Ranch Night
It is our Pizza Ranch supper night. My husband hasn't been feeling well and we didn't go last week. But I am really looking forward to tonight. They have such a variety of pizzas and they will make any kind you like if you don't see your favorite. Not only that but they have a delicious salad bar plus broasted chicken and mashed potatoes and real chicken gravy. Yum. I can hardly wait.
In checking around the Internet for something to take care of my wrinkles, I came upon . Antioxidants and moisturizers are very important in obtaining the right wrinkle cream. If you can eliminate your wrinkles, you suddenly appear much younger. And isn't that every woman's goal in life - to fight aging. Men also can benefit, especially in this economy when many are out looking for a new job. Everyone wants to look their best and buy the best wrinkle product to get rid of those wrinkles. It pays to check with the experts who have done all the work for you and can advise you on which are best.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Candy Apples
When is the last time you had a good candy apple? Our granddaughter-in-law's mother made a bunch of them for the local Farmer's Market. I wish I had been closer, I would have enjoyed one too. Don't they look delicious? Their little boy enjoyed one while at the sale of all the good foods that his Mom made for the Farmer's Market. Check them out on http://www.theycallmeoldfashioned.
Monday, May 17, 2010
OXIS International, Inc.
Alsheimers seems to be a growing concern both among the elderly and now younger people. They lose their cognitive skills, losing touch with their families and the world. Check out and you will find that they are the only company that has developed ergothioneine. This Advancing Oxidative Stress Technology Company has developed this and it has a protective effect on the pivititol parts of the body. It can help fight It conserves and maintains antioxidant levels. It could very well be used in many other serious diseases such as diabetes, Parkinsons and more. Read about gluthathione which can be given either intravenously or orally for various bowel diseases. They are certainly well on track to help the body's defenses against stress and conserve the health of the body.

Friday, May 7, 2010
There are so many restaurants, but like everyone else, we have our favorites. One of our favorites is Carlos O'Kellys that serve more of an American Mexican and we just love it. They have the best chips and dips both salsa and cheese dip. I love their chicken enchiladas with two kinds of sauce. Wash it down with ice cold Pepsi and take home the leftovers. Yum Yum Will have a great lunch out of those leftovers.
Weight Loss Diet
Don't you wish you could just get on the Internet and go to a site that would tell you all about weight loss diet? But not only that, they would tell you all about the best products and what they contain. You can also find out if they will really work for you and there are various kinds that do different things for you. So you want to research them to see which may work best for you. I am glad there are places like this that do all the work for me.
Mother's Day
For Mother's Day, I was taken out for the best Mexican supper tonight at my favorite place. Our kids are the best kids, although they are grownups now with grandchildren. They will always be kids to us. We had a really good time and a great visit and I got a beautiful Mother's Day card with wonderful thoughts on it and a gift. We really had a great time. We drove home in a rain storm and when we got home, it hadn't rained a drop in our town.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Life Insurance
I know we all think we will live forever, and yet we know that is not true at all. And next to a will, probably life insurance is not high on our priority list either. But it is a fact of life that sooner or later we will die and funeral expenses and getting higher and higher. If you have a family, you should really think about insurance to protect them in case something happens to you unexpectedly. Whether or not you have this insurance, it is always good to be sure you are getting the best competitive prices. By checking the Internet, you are able to do this quite easily.
Auto Insurance
Is it time to renew your auto insurance? Are you wondering if you can save some money this time around? I know that is what we were thinking. With everything else going up, maybe it was time to look around and see if we could save some money on our car insurance. I know we always like to check with our present insurance man and see what they have to offer but I decided perhaps this time I could go online and see what other companies have to offer. I found by filling in a few blanks, many companies were at my fingertips and I could decide which was the best coverage for less. In this day and age, it pays to check things out on the Internet before you just go ahead and keep on renewing your insurance without thinking about possible savings you could make.
Everyone loves to win a contest. My granddaughter has a blog on which she has many contests for some wonderful free gifts. Her blog is Check it out for many children's toys and clothing. There seems to be something new all the time. It is easy to enter and you can be the one to win, but you have to enter. Take a few minutes and check out her blog. You will be glad you did.
Modern Couches
Here it is Spring cleaning time. You wash the windows and curtains and drapes. You clean everything you possibly can. Then you stand back and look at the job you have done and you see that old couch and chair and it looks horrible. That is when I got on the Internet and looked to see if I could find some modern couches to spruce up my living room. I sure did find a wonderful selection of everything. Frankly, I was amazed at how much furniture had changed since we bought our old set. There was a marshmallow sofa that caught my eye that was very modern and different. It would sure catch the eye of anyone entering my home. What fun shopping for new furniture!
You know that most of the time when you go to the doctor for your checkups, that they stick this little thing on your finger and tell you they are checking your oxygen level. Well, I just found out it is called an oximeter. I also found out that you can get them for home use. I think that is a great idea but it is important to research the Internet and be sure you are getting a good one. I didn't realize there were so many different types and it was very interesting to learn about them. Along with Blood Pressure machines I think it would be a good idea for us to have one in our home too.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Sticky Buns with Pecans

Yum Yum! One of my favorite foods is cinnamon rolls. But sticky buns with pecans has got to be the best. Don't they look delicious? You can see them and the recipe on our granddaughter-in-law's blog They Call Me Old Fashioned. You can get great ideas on decorating cookies and cupcakes too and much more. It makes you hungry just reading her blog.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Little Children

Little children grow up so fast. Our little great grandson looks so grown up in his suit. He is ready for church and he looks so nice. He and his Mom make a really good looking pair, don't you think? It is so much fun watching the children growing up. And it is fun to get into conversations with them and he has a million different faces he makes.
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