Monday, October 27, 2008


My husband and I have both had a bone density test and been diagnosed with osteoporosis. We have been on prescription medicine for 3 years for myself and a little over 2 years for my husband. Every Saturday morning we would have to get up and take this pill on an empty stomach with a full glass of water and then make sure you didn't lay down again but stand up or stay in an upright sitting position for 30 minutes.

This June my husband had his bone density test and the doctor prescribed an injection that would last for one year. It is called Reclast. He thinks it is just great not to have to take that pill every Saturday morning and wait for his coffee for 30 minutes.

I didn't really mind it but I am going for my bone density test tomorrow and then I will also get the injection of Reclast. It will save a great deal yearly on buying the prescription pills we took once a week. I will be glad of that. It is a miracle to me how it works to keep your bones stronger for a whole year. Isn't it amazing what medicine comes up with?

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