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Friday, November 30, 2007
Flu Could Wipe Out 62 Million People
A global flu pandemic could kill 62 million people warned the experts. In l918 a pandemic claimed 50 million lives and experts predict the toll today would be higher than this despite medical advances. The world's poorest nations would be hardest hit, fueled by factors such as HIV and malaria infections, the Harvard University researchers believe. Needless to say, yet developing countries can least afford to prepare for a pandemic. This needs to be addressed.
Are you having trouble sleeping on that old lumpy mattress, then you need to check out this website for the absolute best memory foam mattress at the lowest prices America. You can try it for 120 days right in your own home and it has a 10 year full warranty and a 20 year pro-rated warranty. You just can't beat that. Not only that but there is free shipping in the contiguous United States. You can even get a goose down cover for it if you like and it already comes with a fire resistant inner cover and a waterproof outer cover. You will think you are sleeping on a cloud when you get this mattress.
Broadway Walkout Ends
A deal has been reached to end a strike by stagehands at Broadway theaters in New York, which has shut down more than 20 shows for more than two weeks. This has been a great disappointment to visitors to New York who planned their vacation to take in a couple of Broadway shows.A spokeswoman for the theaters said performances would resume and did resume yesterday. This agreement came after two days of marathon talks between the strikers, the theaters and producers.
Upscale Christmas Gift Basket
Are you looking for some great gifts that are different from the usual run of the mill, socks, ties, shirts and skirts? Then check out upscale Christmas gift basket for a pleasant surprise. This family owned business has designed the best in Christmas baskets along with many others. They ship worldwide by FedEx and they use air bags so the baskets arrive in wonderful condition and are a joy to open and unpack all the goodies. They have great baskets for other occasions too such as Sympathy, Birthday and Baby. They also specialize in baskets just for Men or Women. And if you would like to get a basket of snacks and sweets to take to work this Holiday season, they have those too. You simply must check out this wonderful site and selection of gift baskets for all occasions.
Snow and Ice
Well, we got a little bit of that snow they promised us but that is just the beginning. I heard cars were spinning off the road last night. It takes awhile to get used to winter driving again. The highways are clear now but I guess we are really in for a 6 inch snowfall tomorrow and freezing rain and it doesn't sound good at all. I went to the grocery store and stocked up as the cupboards were bare. I don't usually get that much, maybe once a month or even less. But like to have enough meat in the freezer to last a while so we should be set. Keep an extra loaf of bread and some frozen garlic bread and biscuits in there too as it seems like milk and bread are two of the things we run out of most quickly. Sun is shining and wind isn't blowing so it isn't too bad.
Wine of the Month
I have received two bottles of wonderful red and white wine from the Belvedere and Bradford Mountain Wineries. This delicious Chardonnay and impressive Zinfandel are a part of the wine of the month program that Sally and Bill Hambrecht began in l979. Their newsletter is very interesting, telling about how the wineries came to be. Bill, whose investment banking firm is the most successful in the world, also has award winning wines, especially from grapes grown on hundreds of prime vineyard land. Producing quality wine, doing it well and sparing no expense has paid off in a unique combination of wineries. You can order direct from them and have them sent to your home or friends with a gift card enclosed especially for them. They would make wonderful Christmas presents and you can also set up a plan wherein you can have these fine wines shipped to you every month, quarterly, six months or 12 months, depending on the wines you choose. In addition, if you are giving a gift, you can order a special illustrated gift box that not only makes a wonderful presentation but is a great keepsake box to use for many things. The newsletter contains a very interesting history of Zinfandel grapes and more. Order yours today.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Republican Debate - Sparks Fl
The Republican presidential candidates have had heated exchanges in another televised debate, their first to feature questions submitted via video-sharing website YouTube. Among other topics, they clashed over immigration and the troop timetable in Iraq. They stood there in matching dark suits and white shirts on the stage in St. Petersburg, Florida - eight candidates who were so reluctant to engage the youthful, online generation that they had turned down an earlier invitation from YouTube. But now they were here, apparently determined to make the most of it. They turned what could have been another dull stage show into the most animated and entertaining GOP debate so far.
Used Cars Austin
Is that old car or truck you have been driving to work, on its last legs or should I say, wheels? Have a house full of teenagers that are begging for a car to drive to school or perhaps a student heading off to college? Then this is the Internet website Used Cars Austin for you. You can search through their inventory of cars and trucks online and save the hassle of getting out there in all that Holiday traffic driving from dealer to dealer looking for the vehicle or vehicles you need. They will be happy to take your old one off your hands, pay it off and set you up with financing to suit you for your vehicle you buy from them. They will work with you, no matter what your financial circumstances are. They are even setup to come get your vehicle, no matter where it is,so that you can complete a great deal on your next car.
Hackers Hijack Web Search Results
A huge campaign to poison web searches and trick people into visiting malicious websites has been thwarted. The booby-trapped websites came up in search results for search terms such as "Christmas gifts" and "hospice". Windows users falling for the trick risked having their machine hijacked and personal information plundered. The criminals poisoned search results using thousands of domains set up to convince search index software they were serious sources of information. It is sure a good thing they caught this before it was too late.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Iraq - Long Term Presence Framework Set
On Monday, President Bush signed a deal setting the foundation for a potential long term U.S. troop presence in Iraq. The details are to be negotiated over matters that have defined the war debate at home. That is how many U. S. forces will stay in the country and for how long. The agreement between Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki confirms that the United States and Iraq will hash out an "enduring" relationship in military, economic and political terms. This proposal underlines how the U.S. and Iraq are exploring what their relationship might look like once the U.S. significantly draws down its troop presence.
St. Judes's Hospital
Marlo Thomas wants holiday shoppers to set aside a little of the money they are spending on holiday shopping and donate it to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. This hospital was founded b her father, Danny Thomas. There are so many children who are alive today that would be dead if it were not for St. Jude's Hospital. Most people couldn't afford the care on their own, so it is a very good place to send your donations.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer sneaks up on men. There are no symptoms. If you get really sick, then chances are it is in your bones already and there isn't much hope. It is very important that all men get a PSA blood test by age 50. I think age 45 would be even better. Men in there 50's usually have to have surgery if diagnosed with prostate cancer. An enlarged prostate can also give a high reading of PSA but they take biopsies to find the cancer for sure. Men over 70 aren't offered surgery usually, but rather radiation or hormone shots. It is a sneaky disease and worth a man's time to check into it.
Bose Home Theater
Most people enjoy movies at home and I know a system that is the finest money can buy. They have beautiful sound and color DVD systems providing surround sound that is out of this world. If you are interested in Bose home theater then go to this website and see all the advantages of having a one. I would certainly enjoy and love to have such a system in my home. It would make a wonderful Christmas gift for anyone to spend quality time at home with. Now is the time to put it on your Christmas list and start hinting.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Pakistans's President Frees Thousands of Opponents
President Musharraf freed thousands of opponents from jails Tuesday in a sign he is rolling back a wave of repression under emergency rule and flew to Saudi Arabia to talk about the future of an exiled rival, Nawaz Sharif. Saudi officials said there were efforts to arrange a meeting between Musharraf and Sharif, who was ousted as prime minister by the general's l999 coup. However, a Pakistani official said Musharraf's goal was to prevent Sharif from returning before parliamentary elections January 8.
Advantage Term Life
If you are looking to Save Money on Insurance then the first thing you should do is go to the Internet. Look up Term Life, universal, whole life policies and more. They have 25 companies that will show you the highest to the lowest cost insurance for all kinds. All you need to do is fill out a brief form online and hit the button and they will compare all the prices for you. Whether you are looking for Family Insurance or business insurance group policies, I am sure you will be able to find just what you are looking for with this company. You can save money on insurance premiums by checking with them. Cheap Smoker Insurance Rates are something I would be looking for as my husband is a smoker and he just can't quit. It is getting harder and harder to get insurance for a smoker but this company will find it for you.
Last Rhodesian Prime Minister Dies
Ian Smith, age 88, ruled the country now known as Zimbabwe. He was the last white prime minister whose attempt to resist black rule dragged the country now known as Zimbabwe into isolation and civil war. He has now died. He recently suffered a stroke and died at a clinic near Cape Town, South Africa, where he spent his final years with his family and long time friend, Sam Whaley, who was a senator in the former Rodesia.
Blames Bush and Cheney for Deceit
Former White House press secretary Scott McClellan blames President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for efforts to mislead the public about the role of White House aides in leaking the identity of a CIA operative. In an excerpt from his forthcoming book, McClellan recounts the 2003 news conference in which he told reporters that aides Karl Rove and I.Lewis "Scooter" Libby were "not involved" in the leaking involving operative Valerie Plame. I for one, am tired of hearing about this.
Samsung 46 inch LCD
My husband wants a new larger television so very bad. Our big one got hit by lightning so we got a smaller one and he just isn't happy. So we went to look into the internet and found samsung 46 inch LCD. This is the best search engine that provides product, location and pricing on all kinds of televisions, appliances, and most everything for the home that you are looking for and more. They have compiled the information by categories so you don't need to search all over, just go to televisions and there they are. You can find what you want pretty fast and then you decide on the price you want to pay and next you find the store nearest you and go there and buy it. How easy can it get? And a lot of places will ship their televisions to the store nearest you and they will deliver it free. My daughter did that and she is very happy with their new television. Try it the next time you want a new television, perhaps for Christmas? The flat panel ones are dropping to an affordable price now. Check them out.
Thanksgiving Dinner
We are going to our daughter's for belated Thanksgiving dinner today. There will be too much food as always and everyone will overeat. That's half the fun of it. There will be lots of pictures taken and the new baby girl will be there for us to see her in person instead of just pictures. Heard the kids are coming home from Texas for Christmas so will get to see the little baby boy then. Neat.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Cinnamon Rolls
Did you ever make little cinnamon rolls out of leftover pie crust? My Mom always used to do that and we just loved them so I make them too. Some people just roll out the crust, spread some butter on it and sprinkle it with cinnamon sugar and then bake it and break off pieces of it. I roll it out, spread butter on it, put cinnamon sugar mixture on it, then sprinkle just a bit of brown sugar on it, roll it up, cut it in little rolls and put it on non-stick foil on a baking sheet, bake at 350 degrees till just nicely set. Some of the butter and brown sugar will run out the sides a bit and they are ready when that is light brown, not burned. Pick them up with your fingers and eat them. UMMM good!
Mailing Lists
If you are looking for a great mailing list database, you must look into this online website Mailing Lists as they have compiled the best mailing lists available. They have a great deal of experience in this field and their customers count on them to provide them with the highest quality lists of consumers who are impulsive buyers. These are the buyers you want for your products and services. Active buyers who are responsive to your ads bring you large amounts of business and help your business grow and succeed. They not only provide lists for small businesses but they have many Fortune 1000 customers so you know they have a large database. They have over 290 million customers and over 14 million businesses who depend on them to provide the best in mailing lists. Don't you think this is just what you need too?
Pumpkin Pie
Just baked a delicious big pumpkin pie. There is nothing so good as a homemade pumpkin pie with lots of Cool Whip on top. I make mine with only cinnamon and not all the other spices that give you a major case of heartburn. It is delicious and everyone who has eaten my pumpkin pie just loves it. Taking it tomorrow for dinner.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
U.S. Agrees To New Talks With Iran
The United States has accepted an Iraqi proposal to hold new talks with Iran about the security situation in Iraq. The as yet unscheduled meeting would be the fourth round of talks between Ryan Crocker, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, and his Iranian counterpart. Two previous sessions ended inconclusively with Iran rejecting U.S. allegations that Iran is supporting Shia insurgent groups in Iraq by providing bomb make material responsible for the deaths of American troops.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Handgun Ban Challenge in D.C.
The Supreme Court said Tuesday it will decide whether the District of Columbia can ban handguns, a case that could produce the most in-depth examination of the constitutionalo right to "keep and bear arms" in nearly 70 years. The Justices' decision to hear the case could make the divisive debate over guns an issue in the 2008 presidential and congressional elections.
Movers New York
If you live in New York and are making plans to move, then you want to check into movers New York as they have the best reputation for moving in New York. They move both homeowners and commercial and are very trustworthy. They aim to take very good care of your possessions and make the move as stress free as possible for you. Moving isn't fun, I have moved many times. But it gives you a sense of relief to know you have a good dependable mover to help you relocate successfully.
Oil Prices Approach $100
Oil prices resumed their march toward $100 Tuesday, rising to records over $98 a barrel as futures drew strength from a declining dollar,and news of refinery problems. I don't know how many people in this country really realize how much trouble the dollar is in. It is lower than any currency anywhere in the world and this is a serious situation. There is also speculation that the Federal Reserve will again cut interest rates. Heating oil futures also rose to new records. Gasoline prices, meanwhile, extended their decline at the pumps they say, but not around here. It is going up.l We paid $3.10 a gallon this morning, while we know in the larger town about 25 miles away it is $3.00. That was the highest it has ever gone in this area as far as I can remember. Our light and gas company advised us awhile back, already, that our bills for heat and lights this winter would be at least 1/3 higher than last year and that is quite a bit.
Winter is Here
Winter is here and snow is knocking at our door from the west. A big snow storm is out west and we are getting alot of the cold off of it. It is 30 degrees but with the wind it feels like a wind chill of zero. We had to get gas this morning and I thought my hands would freeze. Walking into that Northwest wind is almost unbearable. So glad to get back into the nice warm house.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Pakistan Rejects Call to lift Emergency Rule
President Musharral's government dismissed a last ditch U.S. call to end emergency rule, leaving the Bush administration with limited options Sunday in steering its nuclear armed ally back toward democracy. Pakistan said U. S. Deputy Secretary of State John Negro-Ponte brought no new proposals on a make or break visit,and received no assurances after urging Musharraf to restore the constitution and free thousands of political opponents.
If you would like real Internet computer security, then you will want to check out this online website NOD32 for the best in security software. They have done a great deal of research and study and put together three security factors into one, thus saving you both time and money. Whether you are a mid-size business or a small business you will greatly benefit from their experience and this multilayered security system. You know yourself that a firewall and anti virus program isn't enough but they have added anti spyware plus exploits, put them altogether into one excellent security system for you. Check out their website for more information. Get excellent Internet protection now.
Beowulf - the Movie
This movie lead the weekend box office with $28 million. It is the animated telling of "Beowulf" who rids a Danish kingdom of the feared beast Grendel. The Paramount Pictures release earned $28.1 million in its opening weekend - 40 percent of which came from special 3-D showings in regular theaters and on Imax screens.That's a lot of ticket sales.
Cyclone Deaths Reach 2300
Hundreds of thousands of survivors await aid in Bangladesh. They swarmed below each time a relief helicopter was spotted. But tents, rice and water were slow to reach hundreds of thousands of victims of Bangladesh's worst storm in a decade. It was a massive rescue effort that drew help from around the world Sunday.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Thyroid and Holly, Our Little Boston Terrier
Holly has been having some problems with breaking out with staff. It comes at any time without warning and then she has to be put on antibiotics until it clear up. Well, it got so bad we went to another Vet and found out through a blood test that her thyroid is low. Her hair wasn't growing back where she had the breakouts and she was really beginning to look like she would go bald. She takes a tiny little pill every day and her hair has come back and she is beginning to look so nice again. It's funny how a dog can have a "people" health problem, isn't it?
The neighbor lady just got home from buying groceries and I have been watching her unload them. They have 4 children and I just saw her carry in a case of one kind of cereal. They are all in school except the one year old and I am sure they really go through alot of cereal. It seems like the sacks of groceries are almost endless. I remember when our five were all home yet, it took 2 grocery carts to fill it and I got so good at packing them, it took 3 or 4 for the grocery boy to carry them to the car.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Themed Gift Basket
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to send beautiful flowers anywhere without leaving the comfort of your home. Now you can. Just go to this online website themed gift basket and you can order beautiful baskets of many choices of flowers and have them delivered. If you are a guest at someone's home for Thanksgiving, it would be lovely to choose a beautiful Thanksgiving basket and take it along or have it sent to them. A beautiful centerpiece would be a great idea. And Christmas is just around the corner and they have many choices for gift baskets for Christmas. If you need ideas, you can just call them toll-free and they will assist you with ideas. I like the cookie baskets myself too. They also have wonderful baskets for birthdays and anniversaries and other holidays.
Hamas Rounds up Fatah Supporters
Hamas took quick action and founded up hundreds of Fatah supporters. This was in order to shore up their control of the Gaza Strip. They promised additional steps against its bitter rival one day after a huge Fatah rally ended in mayhem and violence. Hamas forces opened fire as an estimated 250,000 Palestinians were beginning to leave a rally marking the third anniversary of the death of Yasser Arafat.
Weight Loss From Diet Drugs Only Modest
Three diet drugs recommended for long-term use result in minimal weight loss and carry some serious side effects, a review of research found. But experts say the drugs may still be worth it for some people. Xenical, Meridia and Acomplia (not sold in the US), are the three drugs. Thiouogh most users of the prescription drugs remained overweight, the drugs improved cholesterol levels and blood pressure and reduced diabetes.
Moving Location Services
If you are thinking of moving, you know how hard it is sometimes to be sure you are getting a reputable mover. Well, worry no more for this online website Moving Relocation Services has the most reputable movers listed. They are all insured and they will really help you to make a stress free move. If you check in with them, you may be able to get as much as a 65% discount on your move. Wouldn't that be great. They have a very strict application that they take from their movers to be sure they are honest and will do a good job for you.
Friday, November 16, 2007
There seems to be a lot of difference in men's razors. We bought an awfully nice one Wednesday for my husband's birthday. He got it home and tried it out and he didn't like the way it shaved or didn't shave parts of his face. So tonight we stood in a long line and returned it and bought another. He is going to try it out tomorrow after charging it up tonight. I hope this one works.
Plus Size Lingerie
When you are a plus size, sometimes you have a terrible time finding attractive clothing that looks good on you and is stylish. Now all I have to do is to go plus size lingerie and I can find my size. They have a wonderful selection of everything I could possibly want and I really enjoy shopping their site.They even have fun things like Sexy costumes and beautiful chemise and bustiers. Have a little fun. Go wild. Visit their website, you will love it.
Exercise Equipment
Isn't it about time you got some real exercise and you need the right exercise equipment to get the job done. That is why you want to go to exercise equipment and find out all about their equipment. If you want to tone up your body, they have the equipment for you and the space saver elliptical is on sale right now at a great price. You can tighten up that flab into muscles. They have other great exercise machines on sale too and there is free shipping right to your home. What are you waiting for?
New Year's Eve and Dick Clark
Dick Clark is going to be back again this year for the "Rockin Eve" show along with Ryan Seacrest. They will ring in the New Year together as co-hosts for 2008 on "Dick Clark's Rockin Eve" on ABC. This will be the 36th year for the show. In 2004, Clark, age 77 missed the show when he suffered a stroke. He has been back in business for the past two years now with Seacrest as co-host, counting down to midnight from New York's Times Square before an audience of millions watching from TV. Seacrest is 32, and is expected to eventually succeed Dick Clark as host of the show.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
New Eye Glasses
My husband finally got his new eye glasses today after two cataract surgeries that were very successful. He has 20-20 vision now in both eyes and just has a little bifocal to read with. He said it sure makes a difference as he was straining to read and his eyes were getting very tired every day. They loaned him a little pair of reading glasses but they were so scratched he really didn't even like using them. He's a happy man now having gone about 2 months without new glasses.
Car Insurance Rates
When you get a new car, sometimes you decide to go looking for a new car insurance to see if you can lower your rates. Or perhaps your company has kept raising their rates and your brother is telling you to change to his company. So I decided to go onto the Internet and see what I could find there for good car insurance and I found this site that gave me a lot of information on just what I was looking for in auto insurance. I like to be able to get several car insurance quotes before I decide which company to go with.This online website car insurance rates has all the information you need to make an informative decision. They not only have everything you need to know about car insurance but they can tell you how accidents effect your rates and what the minimum liability amount of insurance that you need to carry. You can go into their "State by State" and find your state and key in on it and see all about the insurance requirements for your state. They will give you free quotes for multiples drivers of your vehicle too. For our state they gave me the 5 lowest rates and I could get quotes in 5 minutes.That is terrific.
Baby Pictures
We finally got the baby pictures of little baby Emry William on email. Email is sure a great thing when they are in another state and we can see the baby right here on the screen. He's not so little. He's 9 pounds and such a nice big baby. They are easier to handle than a 5 pound baby. Ours were all over 8#10 oz, 8# 14 oz and 9#2oz, so I know. He will be so much fun with his little cousin Kaelyn when they get bigger. It is so neat to have two great grandchildren so close together and we will get to see them more than we get to see the other three.
Monday, November 12, 2007
We got an email from a good friend of our kids that has become an auctioneer. Now they have bought their auctioneering business near Chicago. That is a goal she had in life was to become an auctioneer and she went to school and got her licensed about 3 years ago. She always has been a very fast talker, hardly coming up for air, so I can believe that she is doing very well. She is also working for the Pregnancy Center and is an Executive there. She is a great Christian and doing so much good work.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
New Business Credit Cards
Are you in the market for new credit cards? If so, then you should check out New Business Credit Cards as they have the greatest selection of every kind of credit card you can imagine. Do you want a lower interest rate? Or are you more interested in what kind of rewards you can get from your purchases. Perhaps you are looking for a zero balance transfer card so you can get out from under the interest you are paying right now on another card. If you have bad credit, that is no problem either as they can fix you up with a credit card that will work for you. Business credit cards are available for small and large businesses. Also there are cards that you can gain airline miles or gas cards that give you some cash back. They have the card for you, I am sure. Just check them out.
airline miles,
business credit cards,
Telephone Marketers
Well the telephone marketers are back on the phone again and I had to call in again and get my phone on the "Do not call" registry. They say it runs out every 5 years after you register. That is a pain and there seems to be alot of other kinds of calls that get through no matter what. I get alot of surveys over the phone and alot of calls for money from various groups. Sometimes I just hate to hear the phone ring but it doesn't ring now quite as much since I signed up again.
I went to an auction last week and there was everything under the sun there. I never saw so many toys and many were in their original boxes. There was alot of yarn and goods for sewing too and furniture and just about everything. We had to have something to eat too, of course, so had some maidrites and rice krispie bars with thick chocolate on top. My daughter brought me home the cutest little stuffed kind of brown and white dog. He is sitting here watching me type. At least he doesn't bark and doesn't have to be fed and I can just look over at him once in a while and enjoy him. He's my little posting mascot.
Cheap Wedding Favors
Along with everything else that goes with a wedding, are the wedding favors. It is good to find a place where you can get cheap wedding favors. A person needs to save a little money wherever they can but this website can help you save money in many ways. They have specials and you can get a discount on those specials. Right now wedding napkins are on sale and that is a good buy. You go through alot of those. They have a section too that tells you what is new and what is on special sale. They have everything for the reception, cake serving sets, cake toppers, table centerpieces, and even garters. Favors are many fromcandy and cookie favors to wedding cameras so that everyone can take memorable pictures during the reception and then the cameras are given to the bride and groom for their enjoyment.
cake topper,
cookie favors,
wedding favors
Six Month Checkup
Tomorrow is my six month checkup. I had to take one of those fasting blood tests last week so I will get the results of that. Think I have lost a few pounds as I am exercising more and it makes a person feel good to exercise. Too much sitting puts on the pounds snacking too much. I am anxious to see how the test turned out as I am anemic and always glad to see good results there. I take liver and iron daily to keep it up.
I heard today from my brother that there was quite a bit of snow coming down about 20 miles or so north of us on Friday. We heard there were some flurries around but we didn't see any. The wind was very bad, about 40 mph and it was extremely cold and the wind chill was way down there but it didn't snow and I am glad of that. It seems to come soon enough and the winter seems like it is 6 months long. It helps if it waits till January and then it doesn't seem quite as bad.
Rare Coin
This is the place to check out on the Internet if you are interested in rare coins. Just look into rare coin for all the information you will need. They will tell you the top picks for 2007 and beyond, advice for you on rare coin prices. They keep up with the latest prices for you. They also have rare coin news that you can check into and a rare coin gallery with photos for you to look at. In addition to that, they also have the latest rare coin specials and can tell you how to get started if you are a beginner in this business of investing in rare coins. They have been a trusted leader for over 40 years in the rare coin business and you can read more about the company at their website. It has a huge amount of information there that should tell you all you need to know about both them and rare coins. They have access to a worldwide network so they are always in touch with the latest trends in rare coin values.
Filing Cabinet
I think one of those big jobs I must do one of these days is to go through the filing cabinet again and throw out all the obsolete files in there. I have so many old medical forms but everything needs to be shredded too because they have information on them you don't just want to put out in the garbage. And now days they won't let you burn stuff like you used to be able to do. That was so simple then.
Plastic Piece for My Chair
I need to get to the store and get a piece of plastic to put under my chair here at the computer before I completely wear through the rug. I just noticed it is beginning to show signs of wear from rolling back and forth. I have two chairs that I use and both seem to be doing the same thing. I guess they are easy to find at Wal-Mart or Target so I will be going there the middle of the week and get one. It will be lots easier to move about too by the computer.
HD Professional Stock Videos
If you are looking for good High Definition stock footage, then you should look into HD Professional Stock Videos for what you need. They collect all the extra stock footage of cinematographers that they have left over after a "shoot". On the other side, there are people looking for just that High Definition stock footage because they aren't satisfied with the standard type. They buy up these extra clips and sell them royalty free so those buying them are able to use them all over the world. This is a great advantage to the cinematographers as they make 50% of the net revenue that is gained by the sale of their footage and gives them a regular monthly income at the same time. It is good for both buyers and sellers.
IBM Selectric Typewriter
I had them come and get my IBM Selectric Typewriter for repair. I think I need to give them a call and see what is going on with it. Although it is maybe 20 years old it is in excellent shape and a great electric correctible typewriter. I am beginning to wonder what it is going to cost too. I know the man who runs the business. He cleaned that typewriter on my job for many years and my employer let me buy it when I retired.
Italy Fans Rampage After Killing
Italian football fans have reacted violently inside and outside stadiums following the police shooting of a Lazio supporter. He was shot in what police called a tragic error as they tried to stop violence between rival fans at a motorway stop in Tuscany. The match was stopped after fans and police clashed.Later hundred of fans rampaged in Rome and there were also more in Milan.
Historical Options Data
If you want to get the highest returns on your stock options, then check into historical options data for help. They have a convenient PowerOptions that gives you an advantage of analyzing over 270,000 options and this is definitely a plus for you. You can gain full access for free for 14 days and no credit card is required. It is easy to apply right on line and there are easy tutorials to help you get started right. Use their patented technology to find the best trades and if you don't make money, then you pay them. Have you ever heard of such a great deal as that? It's guaranteed. If you join them, you will be able to trade like a pro. Wouldn't it be great to make money for a change instead of losing it? Here is your chance. Look into their website now and watch the intro video.
United States Stalling on Iraq Executions
The Iraqi Prime Minister has criticized the United States for failing to hand over for execution, three former prominent figures in Saddam Husseins regime. The three were condemned to death in the campaign against Iraqi Kurdes in the l980's. I wonder what the delay is. Chemical Ali is one of the men condemned to die. Let's get on with it.
Apple iPhone Debuts in UK Stores
The much hyped Apple iPhone has finally hit the shelves in the UK where people have been very anxious to get their hands on one. Staff cheered as very excited customers made their way into Apple's flagship store in London. A small number of Apple fans eager to get their hands on the iPhone began staying overnight at the store in order to be first to get one. It was the same in the USA when it came out there.
Payday Advance
Living from check to check has almost become the American way and probably around the world as well. Now there is help when you run out of money between paydays. Just go online to payday advance and check them out.l They are a very trusted company and it is easy to apply online. If you apply today, you can have money deposited to your savings or checking account by Tuesday. You can also have the payments taken out of your checking or savings accounts the same way. They will take out the payments on Payday or just after or you can choose to pay the advance off in full if you like. They are individually licensed in each state so you can deal with them in the confidence that they will be there in the future and that your loan is legal. That is really reassuring. Look them up today if you are in need of some extra cash before payday.
Drugs for ADHD is Not The Answer
Research shows that treating children with ADHD is not effective in the long term. A study says drugs such as Ritalin and Concerta work no better than therphy after three years of treatment. In fact, the findings of a US long time study show that it may even stunt the children's growth. That would really be bad. I hope they look into this much more.
Emirates Orders 81 Air Bus Planes
Emirates has ordered 81 air bus jets in a deal worth more than $20 billion for the European plane maker. The Dubai based airline is buying 70 of the Airbus midsized A350 model and 11 of the Airbus A380 twin-deck super jumbos. Emirates said the planes would play an important role in the growth of both the airline and Dubai.
If you are planning a wedding then this is the online website wedding you should look into. They have everything to help you make your wedding a huge success. You can have an upscale wedding as stress free as possible. They have expert advice for you and inspirational photos. They have been in business since l997 so you know they know their business. They can help you plan the perfect wedding from the dress to the honeymoon.They can help you with the gifts for attendants, the registry is there online for you to register for those gifts you would like to receive. There is much more on their website so please visit them and enjoy a more stress free wedding.
Holly's Bedtime
It is time for Holly's bedtime. If I am working on the computer, she comes in and kind of talks to me in her little dog's language and tells me it is time to go to bed. She must have a little clock in her brain because she is always on time most of the time. I know she is waiting so I better get going and get her to bed on her comforter.
Nine Troops Dead in Afghan Ambush
It is a very sad day today as it was reported that nine troops were dead in an Afghan ambush. Six were US soldiers. Militants ambushed a patrol of Afghan soldiers and US troops from NATO's International Security Assistance Force. The ambush was one of the costliest for US forces this year and the deadliest for the US since it helped overthrow the Talaban in 2001.
Headhunters are a very valuable service to any business. They help you find the right people for the right job at your company. Their recruiters have experience of their own in many fields so it enables them to match the right candidates to the job that you have open. Just check into headhunters and see what they can do for you. People applying with them are also helped by them to get the right job so it works both ways, for the future employee and the employer. Most employers just don't have the time to go through hundreds of resumes to find the right person to fill their position so it is a good thing that this company is available to help them fill those jobs.
Visit The New Grandchild
We would love to visit the new great grandchild, Kaelyn Sue, but I know we would get lost forever in the town where she lives. We were there some years ago to get a couple of beautiful western suits at a special store there and we got lost going and coming home. We see more country by accident than on purpose so guess we will have to wait till Thanksgiving and that's not too far off now.
Cherry Pepsi
Cherry Pepsi is my drink of choice and with granadine, it is even better. That is what I had last night with my Mexican food and it was soooo good. They give you an extra big straw now that know of takes you back at first because so much Pepsi comes up through the straw at once, you aren't quite prepared for it. But you get used to it quickly and it sure was good.
Phoenix Pool Builders
This family owned and operated company phoenix pool builders has been in business for 29 years. If you look into their website you will see moving photos of some of the most beautiful pools I ever saw. They don't just build pools, they build the very best pool for the best cost. They use the best materials and pride themselves in giving great customer service along with their high quality pool construction. They are the oldest pool company in Mesa, Arizona and they are ready and willing to turn your backyard into a tropical paradise. Check out their site and see for yourself a sampling of the gorgeous pools they have constructed.
My Printer
I can't use my printer right now because it is connected to my computer and my computer isn't working. I can't connect it to this laptop or I would. I really miss it as it saved me alot of writing. But this too will pass, I hope and I will be printing again in the not too distant future.
Israeli Police Swoop Down in Prime Minister Probe
Israeli police have raided 20 locations in connection with investigations of corruptions of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. The trade and industry ministry and the headquarters of the national post office were among the places searched. The Prime Minister is the subject of three investigations, but denies any wrong doing.
Home Medical
This company home medical is an online website that serves over a million customers. They are one of the largest independently owned retailers of medical supplies of all kinds. Since they began in the health care industry, they have expanded to include exercise equipment, maternity and baby supplies, even Outdoor Gear. The list of supplies is endless and if you need anything at all, please check into their website. They have diabetes supplies, gloves for carpal tunnel for computer users, shower chairs, heart monitors and daily living aids. I can't begin to tell you all they carry so check it out for yourself. They will even set you up with a re-order plan if you require it. It can't be any easier.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Baby Pictures
We just got a whole bunch of new pictures of baby Kaelyn Sue and her folks and grandparents and she is so cute. She has such a cute little round face and is very alert. Everyone is so proud of her. We sure enjoy getting pictures. She is so nicely filled out and big eyes, dark hair. Such a cute baby.
Fish /Chicken Fry
We are off again tonight to the fish fry. They not only have great fish of several kinds but they also have great chicken and salads. We always eat too much but we have a good time visiting with relatives that are there to enjoy the food also. It is only $7 per person and it is all you can eat, so you can't beat that can you?
Custom Photo Gifts

This is a great idea. Giving custom photo gifts for Christmas presents. They have a wonderful special on a Thanksgiving photo frame at an unbelievable price. They have a special deal, 15% off all purchases. And they have new custom packs coming out too. If you get a custom pack, you can receive a free birthday photo frame with it. They have weekly specials too and you can check into their website to see their other specials. What a wonderful gift to give and personal, using your own digital pictures. We have a new baby in the family this year and she will be there for Thanksgiving and it will be a great chance to take her picture and get a photo frame and give it to her folks for Christmas.
Diamond Pendants
What would I like for Christmas? I would love a beautiful diamond pendant and I searched the Internet and found diamond pendants, a fantastic diamond website that has everything to offer. They have a number of different styles of diamond pendants to choose from or you can design your own pendant. The diamond heart is just gorgeous and I love the diamond snowflake pendant. There are so many beautiful styles that it is hard to choose. Look into their website yourself and see all the beautiful diamond jewelry.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
My husband just walked over to the mailboxes and got the mail and he said the wind is really bitter. It is from the NW again. Yesterday it was from the south, but it was not warm at all. I'm glad he went to get it because I didn't want to do it. It is very cloudy and looks like it could snow but hope it doesn't snow for a long long time. It seems cold enough as it is.
We are having the best meatloaf for supper tonight. It makes such good sandwiches for the next day too from the leftovers. It smells good even before I bake it. Baked potatoes and green beans go well with meatloaf too. Hot biscuits and butter. Chocolate pudding and Cool Whip. I have to get it started in a couple hours so it can be ready about 5. We like to eat early and the house will smell soooo good.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Mexican Supper
We went out for a Mexican supper tonight and it was really good. The waitresses know us pretty well as we go there every week. It's not too far from home either. They have started having a special every Wednesday and Thursday nights and tonight it was a Taco platter. I couldn't eat it all so brought one big one home and it will be good tomorrow for lunch. We both love Mexican food.
I got my haircut this morning and it feels so good. I wear my hair in a short curly style and have done that for years. I remember the days when we teased our hair and sprayed it full of hairspray so it wouldn't move. Then you had to put a scarf over it so it wouldn't get blown out of shape in the wind when you went out for lunch or supper. You could tease and spray it so it would stay the same for a week. I love my short curly hair. Just wash it, brush it and go and it always looks the same.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
US Stocks Slide Amid Credit Fears
Major US stock markets closed down after confidence in the banking sector was dented further by the resignation of Citigroup's chief executive. Markets in Europe and Asia had also seen falls in reaction to Charles Prince's exit, the second departures of a leading banking boss within days. What's going on? Not only that but stock markets in London, Paris and Frankfurt all declined on Monday, as well. Shares at Citigroup also fell 4.85% to $35.90 in New York trade on Monday. Part of the problem is worries over banks' exposure to US sub-prime related debts which has been causing market instability for several months. I don't know a lot about stocks but I think the Dow is seriously inflated and it wouldn't surprise me for it to take a big fall. Like they say, you better not keep all your eggs in one basket.
New York Marathon Winner
Britain's Paula Radcliffe held off Gete Wami in a thrilling sprint finish to win her second New York Marathon. Isn't that terrific? I couldn't make it a mile in any marathon and this gal ran the New York Marathon and broke the tape in 2 hrs 23 min and9 sec. She said she had years of Gete outprinting her and she wasn't going to let it happen again. Good for her. She tried hard and she won!!
Blog Comments
I have gotten so many wonderful comments on my blogs for their content, up-to-date news around the world, sometimes sports, sometimes family. They seem to enjoy the shorter posts as everyone is in a hurry today to absorb as much as they can in as little time as possible. I really appreciate all my readers. thank you so much.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
King Tut's Face Unveiled to the World
The face of Egypt's most famous ancient ruler, King Tutankhamun, has been put on public display for the first time. Archaelogists took the mummy from its stone sarcophagus and placed it in a climate controlled case inside his tomb in Luxor's Valley of the Kings. The event comes 85 years to the day after the pharaoh's tomb was discovered by British explorer Howard Carter. Until now, only 50 living people have seen the face of the boy king, who died more than 3,000 years ago. As experts lifted him from his coffin, they briefly set aside the white linen covering his remains, revealing a shrivelled black face and body.
This company rewards customers who make purchases. They also pride themselves on the best in customer service. You can go onsite at webloyalty and read all the testimonials of happy clients and customers. Nothing makes customers happier than shopping through a great range of innovative products. They have over a million loyal subscribers and an annual growth rate of 90% since 2003. Their clients are served by the leading online marketing service and help their clients increase their revenues because they have such great money-saving packages, money-saving discounts and the customer can even print off coupons. A customer can save hundreds of dollars a year if they will print off the coupons and use them for dining, shopping and more. They give the shopper merchandise from electronics to clothing and even offer cash back and protection from damage or loss of their purchased items. Through all these factors, they generate great revenues for their clients, because when the shopper is happy, they spend more money and buy more products. They want to shop with confidence in the company and they can do that here.
This blog post is based on information provided by Blogitive.
This blog post is based on information provided by Blogitive.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Iran Faces New Sanctions Threat
Six world powers have agreed to draft a third resolution for sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program. The UN Security Council will vote on the draft if UN and EU reports say Tehran's program is continuing. Officials from the US, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany will meet on Nov 19 to assess the reports.
US Secretary of State Subpoenaed
Two pro-Israel lobbyists are accused of passing classified information to government officials and journalists in Israel. A federal judge has ordered US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other senior colleagues to testify at their trial. Her court appearance could shed light on American policy making in the Middle East. The lobbyists say they were regularly asked by the US government to give information to the Israelis. They are accused of passing secrets obtained from a since convicted Pentagon official to government officials and media outlets in Israel.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Venezuela Assembly Passes Reforms
A package of constitutional reforms that strengthens the powers of President Hugo Chavez was given final approval by the Venezuela national assembly. One of the reforms is to vote in a December referendum that would scrap presidential term limits. Critics accuse Mr. Chavez of a power grab but those in favor say the changes will deepen Venezuela's democracy. Venezuelan troops had to use tear gas and a water cannon on Thursday to disperse the opponents of the planned reforms.
no presidential term limits,
tear gas,
Environmental Products
Going green today is a very important goal and this company environmental products is doing all it can to help. A very interesting part of their site is their community and staff blog, called "Green Musings". It is a very interesting read as it gives you a great deal of information on what other companies are doing and what the government is doing, as well. You can read through the many entries and will find they are of great interest. This company offers hundreds of eco friendly products that we can all use to help the earth "go green". They not only just sell products, but they live their mission. They practice "green" on-site by not using plasticware, recycled office supplies, etc. They are serious about their mission. They have a special offer going on right now where they will give you a 10% discount off your entire order and list the coupon code : GREEN10 which is good until 12/31/07. They have eco friendly gifts of all kinds such as for him, for her, for kids, gifts under $100 and luxury gifts as well. They have many solar products, such as solar powered lights and security lights, and this is only a few of them. They have many home improvement products that will make your home much more energy efficient and that is going to be very important this winter with gas and electricity going up all the time.

Oprah Winfrey's South African Employee Arrested
An employee at chat-show host, Oprah Winfrey's Leadership Academy for girls has been arrested on abuse charges. At the school, one girl said she had been fondled, others reported being sworn at, grabbed by the neck, beaten or thrown against a wall.An internal investigation resulted in a dossier being handed to Gauteng's child protection unit. MS Winfrey has twice visited the school at Henly-on-Klip to offer support.
Capella University
If you are looking for a good online university to finish your degree or get your degree, one of the first things you should find out is whether they are fully accredited. This online capella university was founded in 1993 and is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission. They offer 104 graduate and undergraduate specializations and 15 certificate programs. They also have good post-graduate job opportunities for you when you complete your degree. They serve over 20,000 students in all 50 states and 56 countries with programs in business, education, human services and much more. By checking into their website you can find out all about their courses and get started on your degree in the comfort of your own home. Additionally, they have a great alumni network.
graduate and undergraduate,
many courses
Bishon Dogs
My daughter and her husband have the cutest little white Bishon named Zoe. She is at the Vets today getting her hair cut and they put ribbons in her hair and she looks so cute. You can even see her picture at We are going to pick her up this afternoon when she is ready and take her home. She is such a loving little dog and well trained and loves to ride in the car.
New Baby
Yeah! We have a new baby great grandaughter born last night. Her name is Kaelyn Sue and she weighed 7 pounds 9 1/2 ounces. Mother and daughter are doing fine. She is 20 1/2 inches long and has very dark hair like her daddy. Grandaughter was in labor 22 hours and they finally took the baby c-section. Good thing they did as the cord was wrapped around the baby's neck. We are anxious to see her and her folks.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Cancer - Be Thin to Cut Risk?
Now the World Cancer research Fund has carried out the largest every inquiry into lifestyle and cancer. They have issued several stark recommendations. They feel that even those who are not overweight, should slim down if they want to cut their risk of cancer. This was due to a major international study. Not gaining weight as an adult, avoiding sugar drinks and alcohol and not eating bacon or ham is their conclusion. They feel everyone must also aim to be as thin as possible without becoming overweight. Too late for me. I love everything but the alcohol and I don't plan to change my lifestyle because another new study will probably come out next week that is just the opposite. We've seen that happen time and time again.
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