Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Senate Handed Bush War Funding Defeat

The Senate last Thursday ignored President Bush's veto threat and added tens of billions of dollars for veterans and the unemployed in his Iraq war spending bill. This just illustrated President Bush's diminished standing. A majority of Republicans broke ranks with Bush on a veto-proof 75-22 vote while adding more than $10 billion for various other domestic programs. These included heating subsidies for the poor, wildfire fighting, road and bridge repair and health research. Why can't they leave a simple bill alone and pass one at a time instead of loading them up with a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with the original bill. They really love to spend the taxpayers money, don't they? I am really disappointed in the Republicans. I expect it of the Democrats. They love pork barrel spending of any kind and they will tax the American people until they might as well just send in their paycheck for taxes.

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