Monday, November 17, 2008

Vitamins Do Not Prevent Heart Disease

For many years millions of Americans have been taking Vitamins C and E. Now one of the largest and longest studies of these supplements has found that they do absolutely nothing to prevent heart disease in men. In fact Vitamin E looks like it may raise the risk of bleeding strokes, something that was discovered in an earlier study.

A nutrition scientist has reviewed this and discussed it at an American Heart Association conference. The Journal of American Medical Association also published it. There are about 12 percent of Americans taking Vitamins C and E even though they do not prevent heart disease and may even be harmful. I take Vitamin C all the time but not for that reason. I take it to build my immune system against colds and flu. Some research shows that Vitamin C may aid cancer, but not fight it. A study of women showed it didn't prevent their heart attacks either. It sounds like men would be better off not to take either of these Vitamins, especially Vitamin E because it has caused bleeding strokes.

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