Friday, May 18, 2007

"Fat Maps"

Did you know that what's on the inside of you is what counts? There are alot of thin people out there that could be in alot of trouble according to the latest article I read. Some doctors now think that the internal fat surrounding vital organs like the liver, heart, or pancreas, which is invisible to the eye, could be as dangerous as the more obvious external at that bulges underneath the skin. Just because you care thin doesn't necessarily mean you are not fat. Since l994, a professor at Imperial college, London and his team have scanned 800 people with MRI machines to create "fat maps" showing where people store fat. It shows that people who maintain their weight through diet rather than exercise are likely to have major deposits of internal fat, even if they are otherwise slim. Scary, isn't it? doctors are now worried that thin people may be lulled into falsely thinking that because they are not overweight, they are healthy. Just because someone is thin doesn't make them immune to diabetes or other risk factors of heart disease. Of the women scanned, as many as 45 percent with normal BMI scores (20 to 25) actually had excessive levels of internal fat. Of the men, 60% had excessive levels of internal fat. Interesting, huh?

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