Friday, March 16, 2007

Earl Wood is a Special Man

Earl went to school when country roads were basically nothing more than a path with grass on both sides. He walked 2 miles a day each way to a small one room country school. Money was scarce in those days and they didn't have much but they were a happy family just the same. He went into the military in l942 and loves to tell stories about it. It is just like sitting down and listening to a history story but one that is definitely true. He is now 85 and has had asthma and hay fever since he was a kid. He has every kind of problem including heart bypass and appendicitis and now aching knees. But to top it off, he has received the diagnosis of pacreatic cancer. That means radiation and maybe even chemotheraphy. But does it stop Earl? No he laughs and smiles his shy smile every day. He has a secret weapon he says. It is his disposition. You know I think he will make it because of his sunny attitude. I sure hope so.

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