Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fish and Hashbrowns

For a quick economical supper, just take a package of frozen pollock. Thaw it out and cut it in 2 inch pieces. Beat up an egg, roll out some cracker crumbs and heat up a pan with just enough oil to brown the fish. Dip the fish in egg, roll in cracker crumbs and fry on both sides just till golden brown. It only takes minutes. In another pan, throw in some shredded frozen hashbrowns and turn them to golden brown. Put a lettuce salad on the table and serve the potatoes and fish. Make your own quick tartar sauce with a little Miracle Whip and sweet pickle relish stirred in and you are all set. Was it all down with cold milk and have some sliced peaches or pears for desert. You can also put a couple frozen biscuits in the oven while you are frying the potatoes and fish, put on the butter and jam and you there you are - supper - quickly.

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