Monday, September 29, 2008

Men - Have you had a PSA Test?

If you are 50 or over, please go get a PSA blood test for prostate cancer. If you are young, they can catch it usually through surgery, radiation and other ways. If you are older, you can get injections, radiation and now we hear there are various new kinds of chemotherapy. My husband just had a 3 months check up. He was going every 6 months because he was doing so well after 42 radiations treatments in 2000. Now the PSA is jumping up every 3 months and has reached a new high today again. In three months, it will probably be higher according to the doctor and at that time he will probably opt to take the injection. It isn't anything to mess with if you are young. Often if you are in your mid 70's or 80's, you can just forget about it and it won't kill you, you will die of something else first.

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